Worried about no comments on your blog? Find reasons why people/readers don't comment on your blog.
Comments are a way to engage people on your blog. Many comments directly mean positive engagement between you & readers and this leads to a popular community attracting more visitors to your site.
Blog commenting is one of the working methods for better SEO of your site. How do you get this achieved - by commenting on other blogs by leaving a link. I am not sure how good that work’s for SEO as many blog owners have to implement no-follow on comment links. I do see people visiting my blog from the posts where I left comments. That totally depends on what kind of blog you are commenting on, your comment weight, the order of your comment, and the importance of the posts.
Most of the comments which I see on my blogs and other blogs are just for link building and people just add a line in order to get a comment but not add worth to what actually posts discuss.
Discussed here are top reasons why people aren’t interested in commenting on your blog -
The Niche of Your Blog
One straightforward reason why you see no comments on your blog might be something to do with a niche of your blog. Not to worry about this because it’s your niche just like that and you can’t force people or you can’t make them get into your niche. Like if you have a blog that provides Nursing tips, it's sure that people who are interested in nursing or people from the medical field will read this. So niche blogs/sites will find niche readers only.
Posts Related to Selling
Blog posts that are particularly dedicated to the selling of products or eBooks don’t invite comments and I am sure that 50% of people would leave your blog post by reading 50% of your blog posts.
Selling of the products should be like guest posts on blogs. You should make it so better written that it doesn’t look like you intended to sell a product but to explain to people about its importance and finally at the footer you can have the affiliate link or download link.
Learn how I make $3000+ a month from blogging
I believe it works out and that the difference where separates people from being successful with their sales.
Questions are Lifeblood
The posts should be so intended that they should be both the ways – from the point of view of the writer and from the point of view of the readers.
More often it should be like asking more questions to yourself or the public in your posts.
This would make people speak of what think on their minds and it comes in form of useful comments.
Too Many Outbound links or Inbound links
With too many outbound links present in your post, people tend to move away from the article that they are reading. 4 or 5 outbound links or inbound links make the readers navigate to those linked pages.
So naturally, the users get confused with all the stuff. And many times, the other linked pages are so interesting that they forget to get back on that page again, hence no comments.
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No Reply to Existing Comments
You should be prompt and quick to give a reply to the people who have commented on your blog. Readers easily judge popular community blogs when the writer replies to users' queries.
And as we say that, you can mention us any point which hasn't been covered which lets annoys users in commenting on your blog.
This Content was last modified on March 21, 2022 7:24 AM